Nearly a dozen vehicles damaged at Moreh

Moreh, March 17: a fight between auto-rickshaw drivers and Tata Sumo drivers that happened near Gate No. 2 at Moreh around 11.30 am today has led to both sides breaking windshields and damaging Tata Sumos and auto-rickshaws.

At least 11 Tata Sumos and three auto-rickshaws were left with broken windshields in the incident. Moreh bazar was closed and Namphalong border market in Myanmar was also shut down for a few hours today. However, the markets reopened after a few hours as usual.

The incident happened when some autodrivers had a quarrel involving physical fight with a Tata Sumo driver. The auto drivers asked a Tata Sumo driver, who drove his vehicle upto the parking lot in front of Gate No. 2, why he drove his vehicle upto that spot.

It may be recalled here that last month the district authority had issued an order forbidding all kinds of taxis to park at the parking lot near the Gate No. 2.

In all, 11 Tata Sumo vehicles and three auto-rickshaws were damaged in the incident. On receiving information that a vehicle breaking/damaging spree was going on near Gate No. 2, a team of 31 AR immediately rushed to the place and brought the situation under control.

Later, auto drivers and Tata Sumo drivers gathered at the Hawa Mahal of Moreh Police Station for a joint meeting, where the officer of the AR team appealed to both sides not to resume the quarrel again.
Members of the associations of both sides agreed to take time till March 19 to thrash out the differences.

In this regard, a meeting has been convened on March 19 at Moreh.
All leaders of all communities, represntatives of associations of transport vehicles, etc. have been urged to attend the meeting.

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