A point to ponder:

Haothen Lhanghal
The recently conducted census & the attempts to annexed portions of the Hill areas into the Valley & the subsequent clash that followed (Phoubokchao) & past incidents like Yairipok, Kwakta, Moreh, Nongbrang & Thangjing/Gothol really puts a question mark on the frequently used terms Unity & Chingtam Amatani. That, ours is a small state inhabited by different Communities & any misadventure or bravado can be really harmful & it would be wise to understand the population/geographical composition of Manipur. And, the Kukis or the Nagas for that matter dont suffer from any inferiority complex & are proud of what they are & every one knows that the Meiteis writ dont run in the Hill districts & any attempt to Infringe upon our God given rights would be detrimental. Let good sense prevail.

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