Ccpur blaze consumes 10 houses

By S Singlianmang Guite
Lamka, Mar 9: A devastating inferno with its origin traced to a little hamlet on the outskirt of Vaisuon village near here today razed to the ground at least ten other residential houses, equal number of granaries and a shop under severe wind, rendering almost fifty people homeless and leaving them with nothing but the clothes they wear.

‘My two-year-old daughter and her eldest sister were at home when they saw the fire inside our house,’ Nemjahat, mother of eight children said amid the ruins of her thatched house and her hands soiled with ashes.
The two sisters managed to escape unhurt but the fire under the weight of the wind wen on to engulf their house in no time and spread it to the adjoining houses as flares strewn across the village.
As the flames were propelled by an intense wind there is no chance of fighting the inferno witnesses said.

‘All we could do is shout and stare at,’ an elder in the village that is located on a tiny hill-top along the foothills of Thangching hill-range about 9 kms from here and 2 kms west of Tedim Road said.
On learning about the fire, a fire-fighter was dispatched but when it reached the village, the damage has been done as all the houses hit by the inferno were already smouldering in ashes.

The strong wind that still blow over the village also gaves the fire-fighters enough work to sweat as they tried to drench the smouldering remains.
When this correspondent reached the village, people were seen working amid the flames and ashes collecting unbaked grains from the ruins.
A mother of five with one of her daughter still attired in her school uniform said she saved her uniform and book and added her brother and sisters were not as lucky. ‘I mean I really don’t know who the lucky one is; all that they wear was all that they were left with and all they have,’ she said trying to subdue her tears.

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