By Heigrujam Nabashyam
Only yesterday I saw a reported statement allegedly made by P. Chidambaram, the Union Home Minister calling Manipur a “problem”. The remark provoked my pride and honour, because it was an insult to Manipur. I condemn Shri P. Chidambaram, the Hon’ble Home Minister, Government of India for his insensible and irresponsible statement.
Leaving aside the Home Minister’s liberal use of words, it is true that Manipur has myriad problems like any other state. It is no more the “Jewel of India” as Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister once called it when he saw Manipur decades ago. Now what differentiate Manipur from others that goaded the Union Home Minister to call Manipur a problem?
Problems which are troubling Manipur must have been discussed at different levels of the governments - centre and state. When Chidambaram called Manipur a name he must have in his mind the problem of lawlessness that is prevailing and therefore the mater may be looked accordingly.
Lawlessness or what ails Manipur ? If one has to attempt a comprehensive answer to the question, it could be a text book on anarchism. However touching on the points it may be stated that lawlessness in Manipur has to do primarily on the part of those who are responsible for the affairs of the state, particularly the elected leaders more than anybody else. The problem has also to do on the part of the Government of India which fails to comprehend the issue inspite of its extensive intelligence network. It has to do much more with the casual approach of the Centre to deal with insurgency which treats it as terrorism, and let loose the army and paramilitary forces in addition to the state force armed with the deadliest act, AFSPA, 58 stating that in a conflict situation civilian casualty is bound to happen. This is an invalid statement because 70 p.c. of the casualties are civilians or suspects killed in the most controversial circumstances reminiscent of the banana republics in Africa.
As I wrote earlier which had appeared in the Imphal Free Press, on September 29, 2009 with copies to the PM, the UPA Chairperson and the Home Minister, insurgency in Manipur has all the political elements to be considered politically. It has historical genesis where the Manipuris were fighting for supremacy in this part of the south and east Asian region. The Manipuris fought perennially against the neighboring kingdom of Burma of which records are available from 13th century onwards upto the 19th century till the British appeared on the scene.
It has roots in the social ethos nurtured by its social values of individualism, patriotism and love of freedom which are the marked traits of the Manipuris. This character probably gets manifested in the coming up of many international sportsperson including Asian and World champions inspite of the limitations of a small society with a population as big as, a seventh of the population of Delhi. This, I believe is possible because of the inherent fighting spirit still alive in the Manipuris, inspite of the widespread cases of drug abuse and HIV cases which are highest in India. Certainly the spirit is commendable. In fact insurgency or armed movements in Manipur started in 1940s when it was a princely state under British paramountcy for the rights of the people against the repressive state authority - a prelude to the present insurgency under the leadership of the revolutionary icon Hijam Irabot who died underground in Burma in 1951, whose birthday is celebrated with enthusiam.
Now, consider the role of the elected leaders of Manipur who has all the powers and resources in their hands. Is it not the responsibility of the elected Manipuri leaders to convince the central political leadership and the government at the highest level that the issue of insurgency is the core issue in Manipur ? Should they not raise questions like insurgency in Manipur cannot be equated with the Maoist of the heartland of India or with those who demand homeland ? Or is not political solution the only answer ?
The elected leader instead of depending on the security forces and the intelligence to handle insurgency must apply their political mind to resolve the crisis politically. I remember a former Director General of BSF whom I met in Delhi in 2006 who happened to be a member of the Advisory Committee of the National Security Council telling me of his long experience of the Northeast. He had lots of stories of his first hand accounts. But he had a strong opinion that the politicians of the Northeast had to do lots of homework to resolve the issue.
Politicians of Manipur, like any other politicians are interested in winning elections whatever may be. But they have a special responsibility to bring Manipur to a certain level of normalcy. However once elected they are lost in politicking for their personal aggrandizement. And by the time the next election comes they would exploit the huge unemployed youths and women with money, literally buying votes to win elections. And the story repeats again. It is a sort of a vicious circle, which promises no future. Incidentally all the civil society organizations and Meirapaibis (women activists ) who are on the forefront during public movements or agitations are not active in elections, though most of the members and volunteers overtly or covertly works for candidates on their individual capacity. This may be the reason why elected leaders do not take them seriously.
Coming to insurgency which according to the SPF leaders is the cause for lawlessness - has the SPF government ever made any attempt in its eight years in power to prepare a roadmap to approach the issue of insurgency ? This is a valid question because with the unprecedented funds given by the Centre and the heavy deployment of forces - 1 armed personal for every 3 civilians, conditions should have been much better. But it is just the opposite. This naturally questions the wisdom of the Ibobi government.
According to the Union Home Minister a large part of the development money is routinely siphoned off to the insurgents. How ? Most of the development works are contract-ed by the agents of the Ministers and MLAs, except those which are taken up by big companies like NBCC, etc. For every contract a certain percentage or amount is paid to the high authorities in the form of commission like the infamous Bofors, or protection money in metropolitan cities like in Bombay. This is the trend. Even CM Ibobi allegedly enjoys his infamous p.c. which he never denies though such commission is an offence under the law. So what is so special about tax or protection money to the insurgents in Manipur ? But one thing is special in Manipur and that is, nobody is responsible, nobody is accountable and there is always the insurgents to be blamed. This is the irony.
The Home Minister’s theory of siphoning of money is unfounded. It is an attempt to shield the corrupt misrule of the SPF government. I do not think the UPA government is so naive not to question the SPF government its accountability for the mess.
The Governor who represents the Union is expected to officially apprise the Union Government of the ground situation like for instance, the closure of all educational institutions since last August including the central Manipur University except in the hill districts by the SPF government by imposing indefinite curfew to suppress agitations and continued by the student bodies pressing in their turn, the resignation of CM Ibobi. But what is noticeable is that the Governor disconnects himself from the picture may be, because the opposition MLAs do not raise any voice again the SPF government.
The arrogance of power of the SPF government is too obvious in the absence of any voice from the opposition. Naturally the Chief Minister has his sway on all affairs of the state, undeterred. And this is the primary cause of lawlessness and a serious setback for the democratic mechanism of checks and balances. Now, is it not time for the UPA leadership and the civil society to retrospect ?
The writer is a Ex-Candidate Singjamei a/c, Manipur.
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