Delhi Group Protest For Manipur Govt Misrule


New Delhi 24:Representatives of civil society organisations in Delhi demanded an immediate and unconditional release of all activists arrested in Manipur since August 2009 and the dropping of all charges against them. In a memorandum submitted to Chief Minister of Manipur Okram Ibobi Singh through the Resident Commissioner, they further demanded that police personnel responsible for the extra judicial execution of Chungkham Shanjit and Rabina Devi in July 2009 be punished without any further delay and ensure that due process of law is followed with those arrested.

Shambu Singh the Resident Commissioner of Manipur in Delhi met with the protestors and accepted the memorandum on behalf of the Chief Minister. His only response to the demands was that the situation in Manipur is ‘complex’ and promised that he would raise the issue with the Manipur Government immediately. The memorandum was signed by more than thirty organisations and several other eminent individuals, from all over India.

Students, lawyers, activists, academicians, and others representing many civil rights organisations in the city demonstrated at the Manipur Bhavan today in protest of the continued human rights violations in Manipur, heightened in past few months. While condemning the violent, military actions of the state, they demanded a democratic and political solution to the issues in the state. They demanded the immediate repeal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), 1958 and to end the atmosphere of impunity that prevails in the state.

“There is ample evidence that legislations like National Security Act (NSA) and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) are used against peaceful protestors who fight for their legitimate rights in order to curb any voices of dissent. The recent arrest of environmental activist Jiten Yumnam under the NSA shows the absurdity of the state’s response. This misuse will only lead to more unrest,” warned Roma, leader of National Forum of Forest People and Forest Workers, who herself was a victim of the misuse of NSA few months back.

The Delhi groups demanded an immediate action from the state, failing which they would intensify the protests. The organisations that participated in the demonstration included National Alliance of Peoples’ Movements (NAPM), National Forum of Forest People and Forest Workers (NFFPFW), All India Students Association (AISA), SAHELI, All India Progressive Women’s Association, Peoples’ Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR), Naga People’s Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR), Campaign for Peace and Democracy (Manipur), People’s Union for civil Liberties (PUCL) & Delhi Solidarity Group (DSG).

For more information contact:
Madhuresh -9818905316, Vani S -9891128911 and Bipin - 9868280198

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