GGMI To make Tamu Debut

The Days gone By:
Moreh | Sept, 11: Crossing the Border for The Cross: I was invited to preach in IBC - Immanuel Baptist Church, Tamu, Myanmar. The 500 odd membership Church had half of its members attending the Sunday morning meeting on that day. The singing was full-throated, the music passable and leaders enthusing. It was always my pleasure to have been offered the pulpit there in the lively congregation of Sagaing Division's north west border town.

Tithe-Hype: One thing that attracted me inside the church building was the writing on the wall, "Lung-tup: ......Kyats; Musa: ........Kyats". Translated roughly, the writing meant, " Target (Tithe): .....Kyats; In Hand: .......Kyats". The notification on tithe-stats was simple, succinct and straight. The preliminaries of church, service, however, were not. I liked their sense and style of brief dialect usage. brevity, certainly, is the soul of wit; if not of soul-winning.

                                                        IBC Choir Presenting Group song

                                                            IBC Church Half-fill

                                                    IBC Church Tamu Leaders
The Message: The text was taken from Ecl. 1: 1 to 11. King Solomon lamented over the earth and its inhabitants as a Scientist (Nothing is changed -v. 4-7) first and later as a Philosopher(Nothing is new; v. 8-11). The end-result of everything he did with great hopes turned out to be vanity. What the king of wisdom kindled but left unsaid was that the only things of spiritual value, that would keep us in good stead, in the life beyond death, are the ones we do reluctantly, now, for our Lord. To that I added my own experience on the Solomonic line of thinking.

The Key Players in IBC: Pastor Thangkhopao Haokip runs the show in IBC affairs. He conducts the services in the Baptist congregation. The fact that the Pastor enjoys the support of a motivated team of fellow-workers makes his job easier. Rev Khupthang, the General Secretary of KVTBA, under the fold of which which IBC comes, seldom throws his weight around IBC affairs. He has better things to do in the Lord's vineyard. KVTBA stands for Kabaw Valley Thadou Baptist Association. The prominent NW Myanmar Christian Association is anchored to ZBC, Falam, Chin Hills-based Zomi Baptist Convention of Myanmar.

The Crutches: Mrs Tingkholam takes good care of the Women issues of Immanuel Baptist Church, Tamu. Flaunting a permanent smile wherever she goes, the Women leaders had given a run for her male colleagues in her organisational set-up. Fresh from a Theological course done in Bangalore in India, Brother Douthang is the vibrant Youth Pastor of IBC. A close interaction with the Youth leader made me convinced that not every student of Theology takes the course to be a Me-ology.

GGMI To Make Its Tamu Debut: God willing, Go Gospel Ministry International is going to hold its first service in the outhouse hall of IBC on 19 September, 2010. The idea is to evangelise Tamu and its neighborhood through Gospel music and searching sermons. The medium of preaching will be English interpreted in Burmese. The target: Every community of Tamu. Soul in hand: Nil.

Attached below is the GO GOSPEL theme song that I wrote in 1997. The Go-Gospel Concert song had gone global with the Amazing Voice of Zoram, AVZ C. Lalhmingmawii making it a part of the recently launched Gospel Goes Global Video album.

Author: Lunminthang Haokip

1. Love of men makes the world go round,
Love of God saves many who are hell-bound;
Sway of the crores lures the world to strife,
Way of the cross leads the soul to life;
That you love’s the way you want to go,
Let’s love the Lord and Gospel’s way go.

Say no to yourself and life of ease,
Say no to old-self and type that tease;
Things that please you are food for the flesh,
Links that bless you will the soul make fresh;
Turn shy from thy stray, it’s God’s good spell,
Let’s deny ourselves and go Gospel.

2. In the morning, ev’ry news is a bad news,
In ev’ry mourning, sorrow’s deal is due;
Greed to grab serves demands overdose,
Losers spared to breathe pay thru their nose;
If there’s no cease-fear in this sad spell,
It’s because we don’t live the Gospel.

3. Go ye, says the Lord, ye preach and teach,
What you get freely, give and reach each;
We go- but the pace is really slow,
We give but not fit to make ‘em grow
His voice let’s listen, set to hasten
That the earth by Gospel be shaken.

~ Lunminthang Haokip 
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