UKRA denies hand in abduction

S Singlianmang Guite
Lamka, Jul 24: The Unit-ed Komrem Revolutionary Army in a statement issued today said the organization was not at all involved in the abduction of Dr Kunal Cha-krabati in the district.

The accusation made in public about the involvement of UKRA in the abduc- tion at Molnom is baseless, said the outfit’s senior information and publicity secretary SS Kom.

An armed wing of the KNO, the UKRA is an orga-nisation that strictly abides by the cease-fire ground rules of the SoO, he asserted. The outfit also vowed to identify those individuals that it alleged were hell bent on faulting the SoO group and initiate action it deems fit.

Peaceful co-existence of all the inhabitants of the state has been a long aspiration of the outfit, and hence it strongly denounces the armed men that perpetrated the gruesome crime of abducting the doctor, the statement said.

Top UKLA (MC) leaders among six UGs arrested
IMPHAL, Jul 24: Troops of Assam Rifles have reported arrested two top leaders of the banned United Kuki Liberation Army (MC) including its president Taothang and foreign secretary from a place adjoining to Senapati and Sadar Hills, according to a reliable source.

On the other hand, Imphal West district police commandos and troops of 39 Assam Rifles arrested an active member of KCP (City Meitei) from Lamlong Bazar. The cadre has been identified as Ningombam Konu Devi (35) d/o Kula of Huidrom Mayai Leikai, Sawombung.

On spot verification, she disclosed that she joined the outfit in the month of March 2010 through one Ningom-bam Naoba Singh (24) s/o N Inaocha Singh of Huidrom Mayai Leikai, Sowumbung and working under his command, said a press release.

Imphal East district police commandos arrested two PULF cadres from Hatta Minuthong on July 22. The cadres have been identified as Md Tahir Ali alias Zamit (56) s/o late Md Jeined Abdil of Golapati Maning Leikai and Md Iboyai (30) s/o Md Abdul Jalil of Phaobakchao Chakkadaba Leirak. Further on July 23, Imphal East district police commandos arrested one KCP cadre from Sekta Mayai Leikai.
The cadre has been identified as Kshetrimayum James Singh (32) s/o late Ksh Amu of Sekta Awang Leikai.
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