Linguistic solidarity among the Kukis

Mr Billy Khongsai
Apropos of Pu Dr.T.T.Haokip's erudite article 'Paothu'a kiboina seichet phat ahitai',the best remedy for unity is the 'KUKI PAO'. Dr.Haokip is praise-worthy for his inquisitiveness which is the sign of a dynamic and organic society. If we don't like the 'Kuki Pao', it shows that the stage of enlightenment, rationalism and the spirit of nationalism that took place in Europe in the 18th century do not reach us. Allround development had taken place in Europe ubiquitously with the onset of enlightenment. Now is the Space Age and the Age of Nanotechnology. Nations have been formed in the Afro-Asian continents owing to the spirit of nationalism. Besides, the Reformation in the 15th century brought about spiritual liberty through the precious blood of Christ Jesus. Martin Luther emphasised the implication of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH through the biblical verses of the Romans 1:17,the Galatians 2:16 and the Ephesians 2:8. Among the Kukis, the Reforma tion, renaissance and the spirit of nationalism should spring up simultaneously.

Unfavouritism to 'Kuki Pao' shows that we are in an infant stage of parliamentary democracy. Moreover,we
lack knowledge of governmental functioning. Under parliamentary democracy, there is the Minister-Secretary
relationship. The cordial relations between the Minister and the Secretary can go a long way in surviving the government. On the other hand, the misdeeds of the Secretary can lead to the downfall of the government. In other words, rules, resolutions, regulations, bye-laws, ordinances and acts of the government should be followed by the permanent executive. Otherwise, the Minister must resign individually owing to moral responsibility in one case,and the whole Council of Ministers must resign collectively. In our context, we have neglected the resolution of the Kuki Literature Society(KLS),founded on the 27th December,1937. The KLS, under the chairmanship of Pu S.L.Lunneh, a bonafide Thadou, resolved to call our language as 'KUKI PAO' long back on September 10,1938.Had we formed a government, the govt. would have fallen due to negligence of the resolution/act passed by a part of the Kuki government. When the New Testament and the Pentateuch were translated by Pu Ngulhao Thomsong and Pu Mangkho Thomsong respectively, they rather used 'THADOU-KUKI' in total disregard of the KLS' resolution. Hesitatingly, we may be compelled to call them' The Mir Jafars of the Kukis'. Remember the Battle of Plassey in 1757.No words regarding their apologies were being heard thereafter, albeit their religious profession ought them to do so.These were the seeds of discord sown among the Kuki-speaking Kukis. As the role of Mir Jafar led to the downfall of Siraj-ud-Daula, the disobedience of the Kuki translators led to the schism between the Thadou and the Kuki that burgeoned so much so that the debate for unanimity remains unabated till today.

Sometimes, religious leaders forget their devoted responsibility toward God and mankind. This could be seen in 1964 amongst the Kukis when their pastors resolved unanimously to translate the KUKI HOLY BIBLE in KUKI PAO at T.Waichong village, West Sadar Hills, Manipur. Therein, an elderly pastor, on whom the divine oil had been anointed, prayed and closed the historical meeting, followed by a feast. Due to the influence of some vested interests, the religious leaders back-slided and heaps of criticism were poured on the Kuki Pao, undermining their oath and their dignity. This shows the deep-rooted effect of the British Policy of Divide and Rule.One point was that Any Kuki Tribes recognise in 1951 in Manipur was scrapped and only the Thadou Tribe was recognised in 1956 due to Rishang Keishingís insincerity among the Kuki-speaking Kukis. The recalcitrant attitude of the Thadous, since then, was not congenial for the unity and integrity of the Kuki speaking Kukis. Let us learn a big lesson from the Chin- Kukis. The Chin-Kukis were recognised in 1956 as the Sukte Tribe. However, they called their dialect as Tedim Pao. Let our fellow Thadous learn a lesson from them. Let us not forget the KLSí resolution of 1938 for KUKI PAO. Some religious preachers could not reach the intellectual ladder to call our language as Kuki Pao. A blessing in disguise had come among the Kukis of Manipur when Any Kuki Tribes was revived by the Govt. of India in 2002.In the stand-point of the Thadous, we can say that Kuki Pao has been recognised by the government. On top of this, the indigenous resolution of 1938 would go a long way to unite the Kukis. Logically, the Kuki outfits unite under the banner of 'KUKI' in the Suspension of Operations with the government. Secondly, the songs sung in Kuki Pao were called Kuki in the Gospel Centenary Celebration Hymnal at Chuachandpur in May, 2010.These are optimistic signs of 'Unity in Diversity'. The Latin phrase Vox populi-the voice of the people is the voice of God- speaks volumes and let us sticks to Kuki Pao. Let this be remembered by all the politicians, officials, employees, religious leaders, studentsí leaders and the common masses. The Govt. of India knows the Kukis officially through Any Kuki Tribes of 2002 only and let ìKUKIî be a household name among us.

The slogan of the FIFA WORLD CUP 2010 is 'KE NAKO', meaning 'The time has come' -'Phat ahunglhung tai'.Now,the time has come for the Kukis to stand unitedly and speak with one voice.

The drawbacks of THADOU PAO/TRIBE are:
(i) Only one clan cannot represent the rest of more than 40 clans among the Kuki-speaking Kukis.
(ii) The T.T.C. volunteers toure the length and breadth of Manipur in 1956,proclaiming 'There is no more Kuki in Manipur' which was against the nationalist aspirations.
(iii) The Khongsais and the Chongthus, including their descendants before Pu Thadou was born, were excluded.
(iv) Pu Thadou was not the eldest among the Kukis.He was born in the 15th generation after Pu Touthang. The eldest has been ruling the roost amongst us.
(v) Majority-rule is vindicated in a democracy. Logically, Thadou Pao is used only in Manipur and some parts
of Myanmar, whereas the Kuki Pao is spoken in Nagaland,Assam,Mizoram,Tripura,Meghalaya and Chittagong Hill Tract. Thus, Kuki Pao is in majority.
(vi) (L) Pu T.Kipgen IAS once confessed personally that the recognition of Thadou Tribe in 1956 and non- establishment of Kuki District in Manipur were grave blunders on his part.

Let us follow the 'Policy of Forgive-and-Forget' and stick to 3 biblical passages, viz, Nehemiah 6, Matthew 5:9 and Phillipians 1:27 in the nation-building. Let us not be like Sanballat,Tobiah and Gehshem who obstructed and derided the national work of Nehemiah for the restoration of Jerusalem. Secondly, the gospel truth is that believers must be peace-makers in order to become the children of God. Thirdly, our character, speech and norms of life must conform to the Gospel of Christ. Dear GOSEM, keep up your commendable work as the conscience-keeper of the hoi-polloi. Long Live Kukigam/Kukiland/Zale'n-gam!!!
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