A Tribute to Mothers of Special Children

~ Katherine Kehler

‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future’ (Jeremiah 29:11)

‘God has a plan,’ my friend told me. ‘God has a plan and I will trust Him.’
God has given me the privilege of being friends with three special women who have faith and compassion
like few others. They are mothers of special children - handicapped children. One has a child who has brain
damage because of an error when he was immunized as a baby. One mother contracted measles when she was pregnant and her daughter was born with cerebral palsy. Another mom has a child who has been in a wheelchair most of her life.

These women will no doubt receive greater rewards in heaven because of the sacrifices they have made
through the years. They have to be more patient and committed to deeper love and perseverance than
many other moms (although being a mom is always a challenge and privilege).

These moms have to see their child taunted or treated badly. They have also had to make the
awesome decision about where their child will best be able to develop the resources they have been
given - to become as self-sufficient as possible. If they choose a group home, will the caretakers be
kind to them or abuse them? ‘God has a plan! I will trust Him,’ she told me. She was so happy. God has a plan!

I encourage you to make an effort to give an encouragement card to the mom in your life who has been given a special child from God. Father God, some moms are given the task of raising special children. Thank You for providing these moms with hope and a future for their child.

About author

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