New York-based institute in Sibal award pe ding

New Delhi, Lhaphul 13 : HRDminister Kapil Sibal chu vannoiya themjilna akhohsah jeh a New York-based Institute of  International Education (IIE) in award apeh ding ahi. Sibal hi Stephen P Duggan award f r Mutual Understanding kipe ding ahitai tin HRD ministry akon thulhut chun aseiyin ahi. Hiche award hi Institute of International Education a dinga kipaman sangpen chu ahi.

Institute of International Education a CEO Allan E Goodman in lekha ahin thot na a hiche kipaman hi Sibal
in vannoiya themjilna akhohsah banna hatah a natong ahi jeh a hiche Anatoh hetpeh na a award hi kipe
kigo ahi. Hiche award hiahung lhung ding Lhalam teng leh New York khopi a 2010 International Awards
Gala aum teng kipe doh ding ahi. Stephen P Duggan Award for Mutual Understanding hi leiset chunga
lamkai ho government, education leh diplomacy a het theiya natoh na nei ho kipe ahi. Award hi 1990 kuma chu Institute of International Education in aphudoh anahi. Hiche award ana kipe ho lah a UN Secretary General anahi Kofi Annan, US Secretary of state anahi Madeline Albright, France president anahi valery Giscard D’ Estaing chuleh Ireland president anahi mary Robinson ahiuve.

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