Naga insurgent bodies stress on reconciliation

DIMAPUR, May 13 – The Joint Working Group for Reconciliation, which met in Kohima to explore pragmatic means to strengthen and realise genuine reconciliation, has decided to remain vigilant against all those who seek to undermine and hamper the reconciliation process.

While condemning the assault on civil society leaders in Kohima on May 9 in strongest terms, the JWG also resolved to cooperate in identifying, apprehending and bringing
to justice those responsible for the attack.

Sensing the present crisis confronting the Nagas, it further stressed on the urgency to reconcile with one another, according to a joint statement issued by three members of JWG – Vikiye Sumi, kilonser, NSCN-IM, Peshou Lam, kilonser, NNC/FGN and Meren-Nokpu, NSCN-K.

The members of the group also visited the affected and displaced persons of the May 6 incident who are being provided shelter at Naga Heritage Village, Kisama.

Meanwhile, the Naga Mothers’ Association yesterday received the bodies of the two students killed during a protest rally on May 6 at Mao Gate and handed them over to the families.

An NMA team, led by its president Abei-u Meru and advisor Rosemary Dzüvichü, entered Mao Gate and received the bodies of the two students, identified as Neli Chakho and Daikho Loshou, from IGP Manipur at Mao Police Station where they had been lying for the last five days.

It may be mentioned that the two were killed and over 80 others, mostly women, sustained injuries when Manipur Police opened fire and also used tear gas on the public at Mao Gate under Senapati district of Manipur on May 6.

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