Ceasefire should cover all ‘India-held Naga territory’


DIMAPUR, MARCH 7 (MExN): The NNC/FGN has reiterated that during the bilateral ceasefire of 1964 between the Government of India and FGN, the FGN had made its stand very clear that the ceasefire should “cover all the India-held Naga territory.” FGN/NNC vice president Zhopra Vero said that the boundary of Naga territory was outlined by the office of the Secretary for foreign Affairs, FGN vide memo No. 635-685/FA, dated Oking 1-9-1964.
“The FGN still holds that if India is really serious about solving the Indo-Naga political issue, ceasefire should be extended to all India-held Naga territory and political talks held with the Naga Political groups based on the historical and political rights of the Nagas, for a lasting and honourable settlement,” the FGN vice president said.

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