Hmar students want AIR link language decision deferred

Imphal, April 5, 2010: The Hmar Students’ Association (HAS), Churachandpur clarified that claim that “The Hmar people of Churachandpur and its adjoining areas had withdrawn from the earlier stand on the issue of Link Language in the Churachandpur local station of All India Radio” is totally false, concocted and baseless.
The charge seems to have been created by individuals with vested interest and for their personal gains or with the intention of glorifying someone else, a release said.
The association reiterated the fact that it had never said “Hmar dialect” should be used as a link language in the radio station.
It said they had in fact said that the three more prominent dialects of the area –Hmar, Paite & Thadou (Kuki) should be used on rotational basis.
The HSA suggested the use of English or even Lushai (Mizo) which is easily understood by different communities of Churachandpur district rather than using a particular dialect mentioned above.
The association on behalf of the Hmar people asserted that in view of the volatile and sensitive nature of the issue, it will be unfortunate to commence service of the said station at this juncture with one dialect as the “link language”.
Community mandated organizations should mutually agree and not by few individuals with vested interest it said.

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