Domain names in Indian languages in three months

Guwahati, Feb 10 : Domain names on the worldwide web in Indian languages could be a reality within three months, bringing the world of web closer to the masses.

Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), which were so far available in Latin characters, will be available in all 22 scheduled Indian languages in a phased manner, with the first domain names in Indian script to roll out by another three months.

''A policy document for IDNs in Indian languages is being evolved and a certain number of scripts and languages have also been identified in the initial stage,'' Shaikhar Sharma of the Language Technology Development project, department of computer science, Gauhati University, informed.

The department is responsible for evolving the policy document for Assamese language.

An awareness raising national workshop on IDNs for Indian languages was organized here today by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), under the aegis of department of IT, ministry of communications and IT.

Similar workshops were held at Pune and Hyderabad and will culminate in an international conference to be held at Delhi later this month.
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