NREGA not being implemented properly in some states:CP Joshi

New Delhi: The Centre has expressed displeasure over improper implementation of NREGA in some states, pointing to inadequacies like failure to put in place monitoring, auditing and accountability mechanisms.

"Some of the principles, such as accountability of Panchayati Raj institutions, stakeholder participation and social audit, are inherent in the NREGA architechture, but they are yet to be effectively put into place," Union Rural Development Minister C P Joshi has said.

He said vigilance monitoring committees have also not been constituted in all gram panchayats and "even where it exists, they are not in a satisfactory form".

Social audit of works done under NREGA has not been properly conducted in several places", the minister wrote in the latest edition of the Ministry's newsletter.

Dissatisfied with the way the NREGA is being implemented, Joshi asked the state governments to ensure on their part that NREGA scheme runs "properly and transparently" so that it fully benefits the rural poor.

He said it is important that Panchayati Raj institutions are effectively enabled to govern the scheme.

"For the potential of NREGA to be fully realised, major interventions are required to enable panchayats to achieve economic development and social justice in their areas," he suggested.

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