Naga Integration is not a farce but it is inborn

T.A. Ngullie
Swu and Th.Muivah is expected to visit, New Delhi soon and the NPCC welcoming the statement of G.K. Pillai, Union Home Secretary, Government of India (GOI). It appears that, there is a slip of proper information and proper study on the subject matter. The Government of India and the NSCN (IM) Agreement is genuine and sincere agreement, without fear or suspicion between them. It is a genuine agreement and gentlemen’s agreement which enter into, in the year 1997.

Once agreement is done, any proposal of suggestions should be placed in the meeting either from the Government of India side or NSCN(IM) side. No contenting party should seek the opinion of public or anybody as it will amount to blackmail and invoking public sentiments against the party. On the part of NSCN (IM) it is learnt that more than 30 (thirty) points of demand have been submitted to the Government of India through negotiation table. This is a correct way of the peace talk agreement with the Government of India. The Home Secretary is going all around talking to the people and trying to convinced to except his personal/individual suggestions is against the norms of agreement between the 2 (two) entities, legally entered in their clause of agreement. This act of action, whether right or wrong, is cheap way of political solution. If any intending party to withdraw from the agreement, if that also should be done, on the table during the meeting.
In his letter of 13th May 1956 to Chief Minister of Assam, P.R. Methi, Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said, number one grievances is the Nagas are not happy with Assam Government and the second is Nagas have grievances for dividing them into so many states. Therefore, we need to make them understand and instead of sending more forces (security).

Before the Nagas joined the congress in the year 1972 in the presence of Sheelbhadray Yajee, General Secretary of AICC incharge of Manipur, Tripura and Mizoram, on 31st August 1972, passed a resolution supporting Naga integration. So the Naga National workers demanding for Naga Integration for the Nagas in the North East is not false demand/propaganda, but is has been existing, even before the British took over the Administration in the North East. Naga history is a well and established fact. Established facts, do not need to be argued and scrutinized time and again dwelling on the past without making any effort to learn from mistakes is most self-destructive.

I am not blaming anybody but, I am pointing out the procedural and procedure of the committee and maintenance of secrecy for better understanding and deliverance of justice and appeal both the party to sit together and sort it out the differences and solve the problem peacefully and amicably.

T.A. Ngullie
Advisor, UNDSP Party & Former Minister,

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