KRF demands Kukiland

IMPHAL, Feb 2: While asserting its aim and objective for the creation of Kukiland in Kuki inhabited areas in Manipur within the constitutional framework of India, Kuki Revolutionary Front has pledged to fight any opposition to the aspiration of the Kuki people.
A statement issued by Amstrong Gangte, information and publicity, KRF said the signing of the suspension of operation (SoO) pact with the Kuki underground groups concerned is testimony to the fact that the government of India recognize the movement of the Kuki’s.
The KRF stands strongly against the signing of the SoO, but the outfit appreciates and believes that both the parties to SoO would bring positive result in the interest of the Kuki people, it said but maintained that the KRF is not ready to hold talks with the government under present terms and conditions laid down in the SoO pact.

It further said the Kukis who took active part in the freedom movement of India are neglected by the Indian government even after 60 years of independence. Taking all these factors into consideration, the KRF has renewed its pledge to fight for socioeconomic and political rights of the Kukis.
The statement went on to say that the KRF strongly denounced the divide and rule policy of the Indian government, which it inherit from the British legacy within the Kuki community itself. The KNO/KNA has taken the role of erstwhile East India Company and instigated dissension among the Kukis and it is well known by other Kuki UGs groups, the KRF statement alleged and appeal all revolutionary groups of the North East to stiffly opposed in unison the hidden agenda of the government of India which it inherits from the British rule.

The KRF further informed all its cadre to report to the outfit’s GHQ within February 10, 2010.

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