Joint Press Release

The undersigned on behalf of the respective organizations would like to make an appeal to the concerned culprit(s). On the afternoon of April 22, 2010 at around 3:30pm Mr. Neklalsiam s/o (Late) Lianpau of New Lambulane, Imphal East was forcibly abducted by unknown armed persons at New Checkon Bazar. The scene of the abduction was witnessed by nearby vendors and passersby. The abductors came on a hard/top gypsy (white colour) with tinted glass and has no number plate.
Mr Neklalsiam has recently joined an army recruitment rally held at Bishenpur and got through the physical test and was in Imphal for medical check up as a preparatory measures for the recruitment drive.
The joint press release would like to draw attention of the general public and the govt in general and the culprit(s) or the abductor(s) in particular whether illegal banned outfits or govt machineries to release and make statements as to why they had done the cowardly act. Failing which we shall not remained silent spectators and also not releasing and keeping the public and family members in the dark is par to inviting instability to the tranquility.

Sd/- Haominthang Vaiphei, President, Zillai Imphal Block
Sd/- Helal Khongsai, President, KSO Imphal Block
Sd/- Nekkhai, President, Vaiphei Chiefs’ Assn.
Sd/- T. Khamjam Haokip, President, Tribal Youth Club, New Lambulane

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