2th North East Games, 2010, State wins 30 gold, lost in football semis

Imphal, April 22: State won 11 more gold on Thursday as the 24th North East Games, 2010 being held at Nehru Stadium, Shillong, Meghalaya, entered third days. Manipur won 11 gold, four silver and eight bronze medals on Thursday. With today’s medals Manipur had so far won 30 gold in the NE Games.

In athletic, Manipur won two silver and four bronze medals. Ch Sonia won silver medal in 1500 m run in women’s category while Th Nanao of Manipur won the bronze in men’s 1500 m run.
Dharmendra won silver in men’s 1500 m run. Rameshchandra won a bronz ein long jump. M Shanta won bronze in javelin throw while the other bronze of Manipur was won by N Santa in discus throw.
In Judo, Manipur won four gold, one silver and two bronze. Kh Ajit (73 kg), Ch Arun (66 kg), Th Gangarani (63 kg) and H Sunibala (63+ kg) won the four gold medals of Manipur in their respectice category.
Kh Hemabati (57 kg) won the lone silver of Manipur in Judo. P Herojit (60 kg) and K Pradip (81 kg) won the two bronze of Manipur.

In Karate, Manipur won one gold, one silver and three bronze medals. K Usharani won the lone gold of Manipur in karate while the silver medal was  won by Th Susan. W Sengoisana, L SUshma and A Sunita won the three bronze medals.
In table tennis, the pair of S Joychandra and Th Dharmendra won gold in double event.
Meanwhile, state football team lost their semi final match played against Nagaland today by a solitary goal. Both teams displayed a real tough fight against one another. As they played the match with full determination to win, they found it impossible to strike goals against one another.

The solitary winning goal of Nagaland was scored by Saku Tenjen in the 41st minute of the match. Ksh Naoton of Manipur got a chance to equalise the score in the 55th minute of the match. Unfortunately the ball hit the bar of the goal post and went wide. Manipur also got a golden chance in the last minute when Nillakumar kicked in a nice goal attempt from a pass of his teammate Ngouba. But the ball hit the goalkeeper of Nagaland and was bounced back. Being the last chance to equalise the score, Manipur lost the match and left the field with a heavy heart.

~ Hueiyenlanpao

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