'Ready to extradite Assam Blast Mastermind'

Guwahati, September 5:The Bangladesh government has expressedignorance about the India's request to hand over National Democratic Front of Bodoland Chief Ranjan Daimary who is the prime accused in the 2008 Assam blasts that killed 88 people.

According to the Bangladesh government, if India wants them to step in and hunt for Daimary, they would have no problem doing it, but as of now there is no such request.India's request for extradition of Daimary as well as other insurgents in hiding in Bangladesh has so far met with little success. India has no formal extradition treaty with Bangladesh.

Ranjan Daimary has been the chief of National Democratic Front of Boroland or NDFB and shot into prominence with the worst serial blasts in North East India, when, in October last year a series of blasts claimed 88 lives in Assam.

However, Daimary, who helped found NDFB in 1988 with demands of a separate state for Bodos was expelled by the outfit In January this year, accusing him of derailing the negotiation process with the government. However, Daimary termed this expulsion "ridiculous" and claimed his faction of the outfit was still the legitimate NDFB.

Earlier this year, the CBI concluded its investigation in to the Assam blasts and named Daimary as the prime accused in the chargesheet. Daimary is currently in hiding in Bangladesh and has pledged to continue with his war with the Indian state for a separate Bodoland.

Assam Tribune

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