Burma Announces 2010 Election Date, finally

August 13, 2010 (CG): The military junta has today set the election date to 7 November 2010, with a total of 330 constituencies issued yesterday by the Election Commission, a Chinland Guardian source confirmed.
The Election Commission has broken the country’s 14 States and Divisions into 330 constituencies in which Shan State with 55 stands as having the highest number, and Karenni and Karen States end with 7 townships respectively as having the least number of constituencies.

Chin State has been split into a total of 9 constituencies while the most populated former capital city, Rangoon, has 45.

In the meantime, the Australian Ambassador yesterday met NLD Vice President U Tin Oo and other members including U Win Tin, U Than Tun and U Hla Pe, and CRPP (Committee for Representatives of People Parliament) Chairman U Aye Tha Aung and other members at U Tin Oo’s house in Golden Valley, Rangoon. Details of what was discussed remains unknown.


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