HPC (D) apologises, scribes resume work

Apple iPod touch 32 GB (3rd Generation) NEWEST MODELIMPHAL, Jul 23 :With the Hmar People's Convention (D), tendering an apology to the Manipur Hill Journalists' Union, the indefinite cease work strike called by the media persons in CCpur district has been withdrawn.

The All Mani-pur Working Journalists' Union, which had also suspended the July 23 edition in solidarity with MHJU has also resumed work.

The letter of apology, signed by the publicity secretary of the outfit, tendered its apology to S Singlianmang Guite, CCpur correspondent of The Sangai Express, after some of its cadres barged into the house of Guite and demanded to know his whereabouts, in connection with the report on the abduction and subsequent rescue of a PG student of RIMS on July 20. For the records, Guite did not contribute any story or report in connection with the said report.

“I express my regret and deepest apology particularly to S Singlianmang Guite and MHJU in general for the misconduct and indisciplinary (sic) action of our cadres,” said the publicity secretary John F Hmar.
Disciplinary action against the said cadres has been awarded, said the publicity officer and assured that such type of indisci-plined action will not ha- ppen in the future.

The journalist fraternity of Manipur came together as one to protest the threat against Guite. A three member team from the Ukhrul District Journalists' Union also took part in the dharna staged by AMWJU at Keishampat yesterday.

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