A Father's Heart Broken

Imphal, July 25: A Bolt From The Blue: Most of the people of Manipur Sate know Dr. Seiboi Singsit, Principal Chief Conservator of Forest, Government of Manipur who had run the department pretty well for the longest period in the past. But in the unfortunate morning
of 25 July, 2010, a few Imphal-ites knew about the sudden demise of their eldest daughter, Deborah Chinneilhing Singsit in the prime of her youth. Deborah was on a scholastic binge writing a Thesis. She was said to have had a heart-attack in the evening of 24 July, 2010 at her Delhi residence.

Aggrieved Parents : The pang of sorrow over the unexpected passing away of the apple of their eyes, their first-born, was difficult to bear all the more for the doting parents because they did not have the privilege of watching their daughter breathe her last. And the abrupt ending at this juncture of her life was unbearably shocking for the surviving family members. Singsit lamented, "My natural longing was that my children should bury me one day. But the turn of events periled my hope. It's sad that I myself shall have to bury my young daughter".

The Room With A View : The morning condolence on 25 July, 2010 was held at the new Sanjenthong, Imphal residence of the Singsits. The mortal remains of Late Deborah will be brought home on 26 July 2010. Thinking it improper to have the funeral service in their official residential quarter, the Singsits insisted upon having a premature house-warming bash at the new bungalow this morning. Reverend Stephen Touthang anointed and dedicated all the rooms of the posh building with prayer. The tear-jerk began afresh when the top-floor room, done up with care as per demands of Late Deborah, was opened. The parents broke down. There was no eye in the neighborhood that did not go wet.

The Sorrow-Sharers : Mr and Mrs Thangso Baite, Hon'ble MP were among the few VIPs who came to console the Singsits this morning. Others who also shared the agony of the shattered parents were Rev Thangsat Kipgen, Rev Satkhothang Singson, Dr Hawlngam Haokip, Mr & Mrs P.Doungel, IPS, Mrs Mawinu Haokip, Dr Boi Lhungdim, Mr & Mrs Jainson Haokip, Mr Seilet Singsit, Mrs Chinlam Guite, Mrs Jamkhoneng Gordon, Mrs Maman Kipgen, and Mrs Chochong Kipgen ; to mention the more visible faces in the gathering. A lot more will follow in the day time and in the funeral service on 26.7.2010.

The Father's Lament : One had never seen Dr. Singsit crestfallen as he was just before Deborah's (would-be) room was dedicated. He mumbled between sobs, "Chinneilhing was a lovable child. She gave us, her parents, no cause for complaint. She was devoted to her studies and research work. I never imagined she would die so young". The head of the State's Forest Department could scarce hide his feelings when he muttered, "We wish many things for our children. But our Father in heaven has the final say. In this sad event, what else can this poor father do except to accept the will of God the Creator". Hats off to Dr Singsit for the self-comforting statement. We all say 'Amen' to that.

Condolence in Delhi : Report received that KWS (Kuki Worship Service), Delhi had conducted a condolence service at the premises of their Munirka Worship place after the Evening Service on 25 July, 2010. Rev. Dino Touthang gave the condolence message in the meeting conducted by Paolenlal Haokip. Late Deborah's younger brother, Paogoulun Singsit, also gave a speech on her beloved sister's demise. Among the Delhi KWS congregation, Mr Tongmin Misao shared his agony over the precious KWS member's departure.

Departure Delhi: The mortal remains of Late Chinneilhing Singsit, embalmed in a coffin at Lady Hardinge Medical College Morgue, New Delhi, will be kept there till midnight of 25 July, 2010. Dr Sunder Singh, Centre-in-charge, LEF, Delhi, his wife, Eunice and Timothy Haokip, as a team comforted the mourning Singsit brothers, Lulun and Lelen and a few friends at the morgue at around 11 p.m of 25.7.10.

Reportedly, the younger brothers will take the dead body of their elder sister to the Delhi Airport after midnight for departure Imphal at 7 a.m of 26 July, 2010. God willing, Late Deborah Singsit may be back at home, for the last time, at 11:30 a.m tomorrow. May her soul rest in peace. Writing in tears,

-Lunminthang Haokip

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