Voices against Muivah's visit getting louder

Imphal, May 15 (HNS): The voice against NSCN (IM) general secretary’s proposed visit, now deferred, is getting louder in the state.
Thousands of people took part in a rally supporting government decision banning Th Muivah from entering the state was marched at Patsoi area along the NH-53 today.

Businessmen, shopkeepers and women vendors of market places in Imphal city down shutter their establishments and staged a
sit-in demonstration in their respective market and shopping complexes today.

Thousands of people participated in a demonstration rally marched today on the streets along the Imphal section of NH-53 starting from Tamang Rising Club at Patsoi part-IV to register solidarity to the Manipur government decision not to allow Th Muivah’s entering the state. The rally led by independent MLA, Sapam Kunjeshwor (Keba) concluded with a public meeting at Tera Bazar.

S Kunjakishore, speaking at the meeting, said “May be Muivah a hero in other places but it does not hold goods in Manipur. He is a man who is indulging in criminal, looting activities. In any cost he should not allow to enter into the state.”

Nobody could break the territorial integrity of the state. Muivah who is attempting to disintegrate by spewing communal venom but he should not forget that people of the state are standing united firmly for the territorial integrity of the state, he added.

Many speakers in the meeting exposed criminal cases. pending against Muivah and the outfit he is leading which hurt sentiments of people of the state.

Widespread sit-in demonstrations were also staged in Imphal city as well as in other places. Businessmen, shopkeepers and women vendors of various markets shed in Imphal city staged sit-in demonstration showing solidarity to the government stance not to allow Muivah entering the state.

Supporting the government stance, a shopkeeper taking part in the sit-in demonstration at Paona International Market said that Government has taken a right decision as Muivah not only attempted to visit his birthplace but also tried to attend public meetings at various other places.

It is well known what he will talk in the meeting and his words will happen to be poison that will hurt the sentiment of the people. So, even if he enter and allow speaking at public meetings, it is sure a disharmony in the state, he added.

Women vendors who attempted to march rally had heated arguments with the police who blocked them and tried to snatch the effigy of Muivah for burning. Despite the police foiling the rally, women vendors burnt down the effigy later at the foot of the BT Flyover.

Government of India never want prevalent of peace in the north eastern region. That is why, they are playing “divide and rule policy” in the region by spewing venoms to the people of different communities, womenfolk lamented.

They urged the state government to stand firm to the decision taken not to allow Muivah visit in the state stating that once government review its decision abiding GoI instance, it will happen to invite large scale violence in the state which would not be a good in all respects.

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