Talks between IM and GOI for negative peace:AMUCO

Imphal, March 06: The peace talks between the NSCN(IM) and Centre is termed as “Negative Peace” by the experts. In such negative peace talks Naga people and Naga based insurgent groups should not support it, the All Manipur United Clubs’ Organisation (AMUCO) observed today in a statement.

The statement of the AMUCO signed by I Brojen, assistant publicity secretary observed that in the last around 13 years of enforcement of ceasefire agreement, violence incidents in Nagaland year to year, the talks is also in progress and sharing in social and economic improvement activities, police reforms had affected, many prisoners had released but matter of criminal activities of underground group, Naga territorial integrity is yet to settle. The question of sovereignty is yet to table in the House and reconciliation process is yet to achieve.
The main issues yet to be settled are sovereignty and Naga territorial integration. In this regard GOI do not want to talk on sovereignty but wiling to talk on giving maximum autonomy. In this regard the house of three states of Manipur, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh had provided resolutions objecting to the slicing out parts of the states to the Centre.

On the other hand, there exist ceasefire between government forces and Naga underground groups but Centre is not checking in the indulgence of activities which would clash among the people and creating disharmony among the different section of the society, AMUCO observed.

AMUCO wanted to put down that holding peace talks for long time has its merit for the national reconciliation and people to people dialogue because this will able to keep long lasting peace in the region. But it should be keep in mind that the peace talk of monologue nature that is holding dialogue with only one community will not able to settle the conflicts in the neighbouring, the statement observed.

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