Manipur will take part in price rise rally in New Delhi’

Imphal, March 7 (NNN): Manipur State Council of the Communist Party of India (CPI) will take part in the public rally in New Delhi on March 12 against the 'uncontrolled' hiking of prices of the essential commodities.

Briefing the media persons, state unit secretary of the CPI, Langoljam Iboyaima on Sunday said around 100 representatives of the party will take part in the rally which would kick-off from Ramlila Meidan and march towards Parliament. Some of them had already camped at the national capital, he added.
Mention may be made here that the Left Parties of the country viz, the CPI, CPI (M), All India Forward Block and Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) are planning a massive rally which would target the Parliament house on March 12 to register strong protest against the uncheck rising of prices of goods in the country and the 'wrong' economic policy of the UPA government.

Over 20,000 people across the country are expecting to gather at the Ramlila Maiden to take part in the demonstration, Iboyaima said. Iboyaima taking the advantage of the press briefing also strongly condemned the police action of dispersing democratic protest demonstration organised by the All India Trade Union Congress, Manipur State Council yesterday at Khoyathong in Imphal.

The police action of using force in dispersing the demonstrators, hurting some of them when resorted in firing tear gas shells and using other mob ammunition devices has clearly showed that in the state there is no place for democracy, said the CPI leader. Assistant state secretary of CPI state council, L Sotinkumar who also took part in the briefing blamed the state government alleging that in the state Public Distribution System (PDS) has totally failed.
Businessmen control the prices of goods here in state while the Centre has failed in taking up measure to check the price rise, said Sotin Kumar.


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