EFCI celebrates gospel centenary

S Singlianmang Guite
Lamka, Mar 5: The Evangelical Free Church of India, since Friday, celebrated the centenary year of Gospel making its debut in the district at Sielmat Higher Secondary campus with Dr Paul Roberts, the son of Watkin R Roberts – the first Christian missionary to enter the district and Rochunga Pudaite, the President of Bible for World gracing the event. The celebration that began last night also witnessed the dissemination of photocopies of the historic Biblical verse in Lushai (now Mizo) that invited Kamkholal Singson, Chief of Senvon village’s query and consequently led to the entry of Gospel in southern Manipur. Sermons from the living souls of Christian pioneers in the district and exhibition on the advent of Christianity were the attractions today.

A grand centenary feast was hosted later in the day with a dozen Mithun, a sizable number of red meat, pork and chicken.
The EFCI, a Church groomed by a local successor of the first missionary, Rochunga Pudaite have 50,000 members and above as its members with an annual budget that often exceeds Rs 15 crores.

The second biggest hospital in the district, Sielmat Christian Hospital is one striking venture of the EFCI in public domain.
The Church has planned to institute a memorial Chapel for Roberts complete with a guest house at Senvon village this year. “We have acquired the previous property of Senvooun Chief Kamkholal which was now inhabited by four families for 3.8 lakhs to build the Chapel,” EFCI’s President Rev J Huoplien Neitham said.

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