Cdos asked to re-enact 23/7

Newmai News Network
Imphal, Mar 19: The Central Bureau of Investi-gation (CBI) on Friday sum- moned the seven Manipur police commandos who are reportedly under suspen-sion ‘for the demonstration’ at the same place where the July 23 firing incident had occurred.
The seven police commandos were placed under suspension pending an enquiry in the aftermath of opening fire at the crowded Khwaramband Bazaar on July 23 last year, killing two persons, Ch Sanjit and a pregnant Th Rabina Devi besides injuring five others.
The incident coupled with expose of the Tehelka news magazine had sparked off strong protest with various bodies alleging the killing of Sanjit, a former UG member, as stage managed.
the CBI team visited the spot for the third time today. The first investigation was done in January this year following an order of the Gauhati High Court, Imphal bench. The Court passed an order on January 2 this year observing that the writ petitioner, (L) Ch. Sanjit’s mother came to know about the ‘fake encounter/custodial killing’ following the release of a series of photos by a Delhi based weekly magazine, Tehelka. The court had also felt the need to find out the truth considering all the relevant facts of the July 23 incident and therefore the court handed the investigation to the CBI.
Meanwhile, the media persons were being refrained today from visiting the area where the CBI was conducting enquiry by the security personnel.
The seven police commandos under suspension had submitted their statements to the PG Agarwal Commission on March 17.
It is worth mentioning that several agitations were launched under the banner of Apunba Lup following the publication of the series of photographs relating to July 23 incident by Tehelka.
The pictures exposed the ground reality of the state police commandos engaged in the alleged fake encounter that apparently led the state to turmoil for a few months.
It was followed by a series of agitations which also included the class boycott in the state by the three students’ organizations nam- ely, AMSU, MSF and Kan-gleipak Students’ Associa- tion. The classes were boycotted from September last till early January this year.

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