CCpur fire consumes 8 more houses

Lamka, March 15, 2010: Against the backdrop of the district fire department expressing inability to attend to all calls due to lack of fire tender and manpower, wildfire that swept the village of Khodang since Saturday consumed eight houses while another house was destroyed in wind-storm in the district.

On Sunday, a wild fire sparked-off a devastating blaze at Khodang village near Sugnu, about 27 kms from here on the east at around 11.30 am razing seven houses to ground.

Over 300 bags of paddy and 11 pigs were reportedly destroyed in the fire which had already smouldered the houses to ash when the fire-tenders arrived.

The village chief Letthang said the sole fire tender in the district was already deputed to Thing-kangphai village, about 4 kms from here to control a wild fire from spreading to the village.

As they could not attend to their calls fire tenders from Moirang and Sugnu were alerted but only to arrive after everything was charred, he added.

In another incident of wild-fire spreading to human habitation, the residence of one Jangkholun Baite was rendered to ash on Saturday evening at Panglian village, about 8 kms from here.

Properties to the tune of Rs 2 lakhs were reportedly destroyed in the fire while the damage at Khodang village was estimated to be around Rs 17 lakhs.

In another fearsome incident a strong wind-storm on Sunday blew off another roof-top at Kengjang village about 5 kms from here along the Tedim road at around 2 pm causing injury to seven of its occupants, who were watching Television, a thrilling experience.

Paukhogin Kipgen, the owner of the devastated house said the roof-top was gone with a sudden ‘thud’ amid the storm.

‘We were watching television when the incident occurred,’ he said adding, ‘once the roof-top was gone everything inside it scattered in all directions,’ Paukhogin added.

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