A Reflection on the Weakness of Kuki Society

Felix Lunngaisang Vaiphei

The term ‘Kuki’ sounds to be common or familiar to everyone in the Kuki society. Then what is Kuki? If you say that Kuki is the sum total of many sub-clans, why then only the Thadou dialect speakers are said to perceived as Kuki? What about the other sub-clans? If Kuki is said to be the sum total of different sub-clans, why the other sub-clans could not stick with the word Kuki? I think there will be a lot more questions to put up regarding this.

If we are proud of the Kuki nation, why are we still in the state of refugee? In the land of others, there is no value of building a big mansion or leading a luxurious life because in the simplest term we have no right like them. We can be kicked out anytime. If you are proud of your status and there is no place for your grave, does it make sense? If you are a self-interested person, only good names and fames set up your mind; it is because your sense is being controlled by pleasure. There is nothing that remains forever pleasant; it usually is followed by an anxiety.

Love and understanding are the far cry of the people, the hot blood! Respect for leaders is gone in the wind. Tongue could speak a lot, but movement of body is being restricted. Remember, unhealthy words go to the graveyard. Big minds have done their table work, but the reality . . .! No relationship in the bond pyramid. Lots of choices are in mind and spoken, but not chosen. The lesser amount, the weaker they belong. No place for opinions, but to follow. Being too much repressed, and become aggressive. It is being motivated by quantity rather than qualities. Love in words, not in deeds.

Understanding is always left behind, not for the present or future. Fight for their own right and fame; the self-interested peoples. Perfection is in nobody’s hand but in possibilities. Everyone is free but in tight compartments. Differences in dialects always mark boundaries. The achievements of clan groups seem to be superior over others. No new life, no new approach. Everyone voice for the future; not for the long run but just to earn respect.

The symbolic meaning of the Kuki society in the past had a great significance and the people were closely attached to it. It symbolized or gave a lot of meaning to the people and provided strength and unity. Yet in the present context, the attachment becomes more faded and the meaning lies on itself.

All kinds of directions made by the scholars or leaders are within the circle of a few self-interested people. They make a wise move to cover up their evil mindsets, produced a unique sound and act like a Grammy Award actor, just to win the trust of the innocent hearts. The more they win the more they gain only for themselves. They finally become the social virus, entering into the deep core of the innocent hearts and destroying them. The virus is very effective and difficult to remedy.

Fights for supremacy over one another have become the common factor within the society. Understanding and making ways for the possibilities of solving contradicting opinions lies under the judgment of the powerful gun barrel. The real wise man becomes silent and paralyzed, and his own people become a refugee within their own society. The need of the nation and the leaders’ directions becomes irrelevant. Their senses are diverted, being motivated by fame or the like. Hatred becomes the common factor which results in enmity between one another. Women and children have become the victims and they are shedding tears for their lost sons and brothers.

The writer is president of the Kuki Students' Organisation, Shillong, India.

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