Lhingboi Haokip

As I was waiting for my bus on my way back from office, I notice two blind men holding each other as they walk beside me. While I have witnessed a similar scene countless times before, there was something unusual which caught my attention. The blind men, knowing fully well that their world is complete darkness still manage to smile. I couldn’t help but think about what made them smile in spite of their incapacities.

Having board the bus, I contemplate on what I had just seen. Even with all the Blessings showered upon me, a decent job, God-fearing parents, friends who stand by me through thick and thin, I’m still wanting for more of it. Life sometimes takes the toll on me and it is just difficult to smile away. What really makes the blind men smile?

I realized that life is more than what I think it is. There are some things which are more important. To be content with what I have tops the list. But is the blind men really contend with what he is? Just then God puts a thought in my mind that I might not content in my worldly ways, but by fixing my eyes on Him.

Those two strangers taught me a lesson which nobody ever do. They taught me to always wear a smile and be content with what I have no matter how dark my world may seem. If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared on someone’s face or a touch of joy within someone’s heart, then in living I have made a mark.

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