Manipur truckers stop plying on NH 39

Imphal, Jan 30: The truckers in Manipur expressing unhappiness over the frequent harassment and threat to their lives, have decided not to ply vehicles on National Highway 39 in the wake of the recent abduction of three truckers in Assam’s Karbi Anglong district.
The truckers need to pass through Nagaland and Assam sector of NH 39 to ferry supplies from various towns of Assam and other parts of the country.

Following the kidnapping of two drivers and a handyman, drivers of bullet tankers have decided to stop using NH 39 and instead go through Imphal-Silchar sector of National Highway 53. They have also submitted a memorandum highlighting their decision to the State Chief Minister O Ibobi and DGP Manipur Y Joykumar through the All Manipur Transport and Motor Workers’ Union (AMT& WU).

All Manipur Bullet LPG Drivers’ Union drivers in their meeting here on Thursday has taken a decision in this regard after a thorough deliberation on the increasing harassments and tortures meted out to drivers and handymen on NH 39.

The drivers stated that they will not be responsible for any untoward incidents to vehicles plying on NH 39 in defiance of the Union’s decision. In the memorandum, the Union also urged the authorities to provide adequate security to the tankers while plying on NH 53. If government cannot ensure full security to the tankers despite their pleas they will then stop procuring bulk LPG.
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