KNO Denies | KIM refutes | CDSU Joins KSO

Lamka, Jan 18: The Kuki National Organisation today denied that it had signed any agreement with the NSCN-IM and dubbed the press report in this regard as a reflection of very low professionalism on the part of the media houses to publish such reports which have no basis.

‘The KNO bemoans such poor professionalism which reeks of sensationalism and mischief aimed at pre-emptive sabotage of discord-resolution between communities,’ said a KNO statement signed by T Stephen Kuki, its under-secretary Information and Publicity.

Stephen further said that KNO would continue to prioritize promotion of peace in the region and commit to work towards bringing about peaceful co-existence based on mutual respect between neighbouring communities in Manipur and elsewhere.

CDSU joins KSO

Lamka, Jan 18: The Churachandpur Students' Union today joined rank with the KSO in voicing dissent against the State Government’s order to appoint senior MCS officer as Executive Director of the DRDA in hill districts.

The Union is displeased to learn that the Government has adopted a parallel stand on the issue despite minutely deliberating upon it with ATSUM on 13 January and assuring a positive review of the same, CDSU said in a release.

In total contravention of the Central Government’s guidelines, the State Cabinet decision is deemed as a case of betrayal and sell-out of the concern public wishes and aspiration, it added. It further asserted that CDSU shall stand united, undeterred and shall never reverse its adopted stand. The Union also resolved to take all possible course of actions to pre-empt the assigned MCS officer from discharging its powers and duties in Churachandpur district.

Meanwhile, a separate statement of the Union said it decries the unwarranted injustice perpetrated by Manipur Police Department on the aspiring candidates for the post of Sub-Inspector and Jamedar. It is bizarre to learn that hundreds of candidates were barred from appearing in the exam, which indeed is undemocratic, unfair and unheard of, it alleged. To ensure justice and fairness on the recruitment exercise that is manifested with tacit partiality, the examination should be rescheduled for the aggrieved candidates, the Union beseeched.

KIM refutes

Imphal, January 18(HNS): Following the news item published in this newspaper about the signing of a MoU between NSCN (IM) and KNO with the involvement of certain civil organizations, the Kuki Inpi Manipur refuted the news saying that neither they nor the Kuki Nampi Palai (KNP) and the Kuki Students’ Organisation (KSO) were involved or witness to the signing. In a press release KIM said that the three organizations have no knowledge about the signing.
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