A Brief History of St George’s Parish Church, East Ham, London

(Abstract from “A Priest from Mandalay” A Souvenir of Revd Dr David T Haokip’s Silver Jubilee in Ministry 2008)

NAME: St. George is the patron saint of England and St. Ethelbert commemorates death of Christian King outside Hereford, name added in 1935 after generous donation from Diocese of Hereford to new building.

SETTING: The story of the area is told in St. Georges Parish, a rapid expansion of population 100 years. Until 1863 St Mary Magdalene was the only place of worship in East Ham until St. Johns was built [now a car park] followed by St. Bartholomew’s 1902.

BEGINNINGS: 1906 a map showed site ‘reserved for church and schools’ at junction of Chesley and Henniker Gardens. 1912 a site in the Greatfield estate on the corner of Masterman and Boston Roads was bought with money from the Bishop of St. Albans and Sir John Bethell. 1913 a temporary hall for St Georges Mission Church was opened here with the first curate. 1923 a separate parish carved out of St. Mary’s known as ‘the district of St. George, East Ham’ with its own MU and Sunday school.

PLACE AND THE CHURCH: Burford Road, East Ham, London E6. The present church 1936, church hall 1961 and vicarage 1957 are on a compact site between Burford and Buxton Roads. The present church opened in 1936-7 for a parish of 18,000. Over half the cost came from the Diocese of Hereford, 150 miles away. ‘In this place will I give peace, says the Lord’ was dedication text Solid, strong, dominant, central presence.

THE CHURCH HALL: The original Mission Church was burnt down in 1954 [now St. George’s terrace] after being used for Sunday school and other activities. The present parish hall was built and opened 1961/2.

THE PEOPLE: Originally white working class in docks or commuting, 18,000. In 2001 Census 9069 people living in 3472 households [90% terraced] included 5208 Christians.

IN THE CHURCH: 1915 saw packed services and Sunday school. ‘sitting on floor’ ‘not comfortable to sit through long sermons’ In 1923 four services on Sunday [persisting to 1938] and two in the week. Sunday school split 2.30pm and 3.30pm. 1925 27 confirmation candidates and Guilds for women/children. 1939-45 war cut but 1950 342 on electoral roll [church choir of 40] dropping to 115 by 1984. In 1986 the congregation was 78.

SERVING THE COMMUNITY: 1921 Scout, 1929 FC, 1950s St. Georges Players, Youth Club 120, 1967 Playgroup, 1974 Girls Brigade, 1975 House Groups, 1976 Open air services with big music band.

TODAY: Weekly Communion adults 50, Sunday school 20, Bible Study groups and Mother’s Union/women fellowship. The Incumbent Canon Dr David T Haokip is from Burma [first non-white vicar] Monthly Parish Magazine.

CHURCH HALL: Cookery classes, line dancing, scouts, short mat bawl, brownies and guides, elderly project, karate club, Used for weddings, children’s parties, anniversaries. Only one other church building is Elim church in parish, two black congregations worship in the church hall and some in Central Park school.

Church Life in Pictures:

(St Georges Notice board )

 (St George’s Anglican Church, London)

 Canon David T Haokip and Canon David Driscoll (assistant)

 With Bishop of Barking at Buckingham Palace 2008

Some of My parishioners with Lord Bishop of Chelmsford in 2007.
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