UTLA condemns treacherous kidnap of Sanayaima

IMPHAL, Nov12: The United Tribal Liberation Army, UTLA, has condemned the manner in which security agents of India kidnapped the R.K Sanayaima, UNLF chairman, and keeping his whereabouts obscure.

“Nobody knows of his whereabouts or his situation” a statement said adding the matter is disgusting.

It said RK Meghen was held captured by the Indian Army from Bangladesh but the news itself was claimed to be baseless by his captors.

Meghen’s capture is unfortunate not just for one particular organization but also for all other who strive for the unification of Northeast under a sovereign banner.

The whereabouts of the leader should be made clear and reveal to the media for future understanding, it said.

The statement said, UTLA strongly condemns the brutality and atrocities of the Indian Security Forces against the revolutionary groups of the Northeast.

It said the UTLA sternly believes that the problems of the Northeast arising out of the struggle of what is their birthrights should be solved politically and not by brute forces.

If the Government of India tries to solve the political demands of the Northeast only through the barrel of gun then the people would shift their stand and declare that not only Arunachal Pradesh but the whole northeast is part and parcel of China, it said.

In fact, we are divided by India thus far, it said adding this was followed by a step motherly treatment.
India’s role is also inconsistent with the principles embodied in various charters of the United Nations, particularly the Right to self-determination, it added.

The Government of India should be sincere and faithful to the revolutionary groups and the people, failing which they will face another grave war the whole Northeast.

If the Government of India treats us as their people they should not play hide and seek against us when they apprehended RK Sanayaima, it said. - IFP
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