KUT- A Reminiscence

By: Pao Sitlhou
Introduction: Hark! All ye Kut lovers, awake. Chavang Kut took its birth in Sadar Hills. Later on, we call it Kut, and some say Miss Kut. We may give any other new name but, most important is the kind of mental attitude we have for it. I say Kut would be meaningful only when we celebrate it without any socio-culture and political division among us. Thomas Ground has been Kut venue for both district and state level in the past few years. Once again district level Kut committee has chosen it for this year’s kut venue. It is a place which I could not take away from my weak memory due to the fact that I attended one of my memorable Kut over here.

Jubilant Kut for all: For Kut celebration then, we managed to leave Imphal for Thomas Ground, the proposed Kut venue. After reaching, we met more friends in different shapes and sizes. Some of them were greeted with honour of seats on stage. Some had been flocked together only to find their names written on chairs by themselves in the openfield.

I was just one among the crowd. Those were the days when I promised not to miss a glimpse of Kut Miss. In any direction of Kut venue, be it district or state level, I had been there in time. That was the implantation of myself to enjoy my youth in a memorable way. I felt Kut was for a person like me young, dynamic and adventurous. I enjoyed because I was innocent and young. Kut for young, Kut for me! This kind of event was much awaited with greater enthusiasm by most teenagers just because of the beauty pageant at evening session. It is no strange to say that the pressure on youngsters to experience sweet moments of selecting MISS KUT was enormous. Declaration of Miss Kut was the most awaited moment of wild excitement even for the oldest men of the evening session. I knew where I stood. I was in the crowd, standing till my back-bone became chilled in the windy (...breezy wind winding from nearby foot-hills) cold
night. I stood firm in the midst of people who pushed and brushed heavily against each other. Mental anxiety and physical strain I had undergone remain unnoticed. However, every single activity I was engaged in, and emotion I felt, whether it’s wild excitement, battling hard against spine-chilling weather, suffering loss of sleep and great passion for skin-deep BEAUTY CONTEST were known to be spices of kut celebration. No doubt, hobnobbing was my greatest activity. In no time I moved towards NH-39 and saw all types of vehicles (Two-wheeler and four wheeler of any making)coming one after another from Imphal. Many revelers from Imphal had better definition about Kut and expressed their enjoyment than local kutters ( Tah chanu-Tah
chapa) Kut was then a real fun and good for Imphal-ites.Womenfolk’ strikes alcoholic revelers: Apart from dedicated volunteers, women in groups emerged in and around Thomas Ground to fight against those who disturbed peace by creating chaotic situation. Within a matter of minutes I witnessed pouncing movement of hefty womenfolk against street heroes. Most of these heroes were in their teens. They are creating evils under the influence of alcohol or drugs. When they are beaten up with the help of stick by womenfolk, they still refused to admit their wrong doings. It was no disgrace for these revelers to commit wrongful act. Kut was not an enemy at least for this reveler. Rather they had fallen in love with the celebration of it and the BEAUTY PAGEANT.

The other face of Kut: Musical entertainment from popular band and legend singers exhibit calm and relaxed atmosphere to a great extent for those under nineteen-year (19 yr). I looked at the youngsters ( ...under twenties ) scattered in and around coffee and snacks stall put up for the night, they chanted liiiiii hohoho.....and really enjoyed as if they were celebrating the last kut of their life. Kut was in a state of chaos and tense situation. Most of the heroes who staged fleeting drama were none other than outsiders! Their intended kut spirit was all for drinks and drugs! Kut was the craze for them! Many enjoy the evening (....not necessarily the kut ) with partners inside stuffy cars, coffee hut and at other isolated places. For many,s outside happenings were really exhilarating and memorable dramatic events. Cynosure of the evening: “Woman is the parent of luxury”. Every normal person wants to live a luxurious life. In other words everyone wants to see beautiful girls on stage with scanty dresses. Do you really have a craze for Miss Contest? I wish you can easily give answer by visualizing one of the sexy scenes of any Miss contest. When the most awaited dazzling Beauty Contest began, everyone moved closer to witness beautiful girls parading down the ramp.

There were more than twenty-five candidates vying for the Miss Crown. There was an introductory session of the contestant to the sudden-swelling crowd, and highlighting their ethnic dresses as they walked down the ramp in style. The smartness and elegance of the contestants not only captured the imaginative mind of the crowd but also give joy to every kutters. No doubt Miss Kut Contest was a time of great moments even for VVIPs on stage. Some judges were appointed for the miss contest by virtue of their official status. Such appointed judges could not give marks fairly because their experience and expertise in official work in public offices were totally different from that of any Miss Contest or Miss Kut Contest. Consequently, Miss Kut Contest was marred with corruption to some extent that no genuine candidate won the Miss Crown. This has been happening till today. Think if corruption is like cancer! It will just grow and multiply within no time, and invade the honest minds of the panel of judges or committee (if not the whole population.) A thought of it should not occur (eventhough we blindly say it (corruption) is in the system of things) in the minds of those who matter in judging and tallying hard-earned marks of the innocent contestants. Either fair or not, catwalk on the ramp brought wrinkle-free smile to VVIP’s on stage. The final round had finished with immense heartache for many youngsters ( including parents and close friends of the contestants )as their loved ones failed to make it.If my memory is still intact Miss Kut title goes to the one sweet 16-year-old blue eyed, a blonde, milky-white complexion who suddenly turned to be a heartthrob for many kutters. Whether she (Miss Kut) was a woman of beauty with brain became a topic to be discussed for those having small minds.

Kut and its spirit: A vision is an aim for the welfare and advancement of society, state or Nation. Without any
argument, Kut was organised by effective and inspirational leaders with a vision of how we could stand unitedly for a cause. Their visionary zeal had inspired young leaders to focus on “Kut for unity”. As a leader they tried their level best to achieve peace and unity amongst the Chin-Kuki-Mizo. On kut day, thousands of people under their leadership gathered together to give thanks to the living almighty God for a blessed harvest at the year-end..It was also a cultural-show-day with people from all walk of life come together without ism or igo. We displayed our unique identity and oneness before the world through cultural dances. I wonder whether or not today’s Kut celebration could symbolize unity, progress and development of Chin- Kuki-Mizo people.

Remorseful Kut for many children of proud parent: No matter how colorful or VIPs -( Very insecure person )
stuffed celebration, for many it was an evening of heavy drinks, overdose and deep regret. Evening session of Kut did not hold any gainful interests except for those who enjoyed with their evening potion. Youngsters of the evening were more interested in other activity than any happenings on stage. For that night, they thought they had turned historic Thomas Ground into Manipur’s paradise. Will 2010 Kut at Thomas Ground be a dejavu?
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