6 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

People who eat breakfast are significantly less likely to be obese and have diabetes than those who don’t. The most important tip is to have breakfast every day. Without exception. This one action alone can make a huge, positive difference to your health. But a doughnut or
chocolate muffin won’t do. Try one of these 6 healthy breakfast ideas to give you the fuel you need to take on your day.

1. A bowl of high-fiber, multi-grain cereal, with strawberries and low-fat milk on top.
2. A cereal bar, an apple and a glass of cold milk.
3. A bowl of fat-free yogurt with fresh blueberries mixed in, and a slice of whole-wheat toast with a fruit spread.
4. A mini whole-wheat bagel, spread lightly with cream cheese and jam, and a peach with a bowl of yogurt. Want other bagel topping options? Try one heaped teaspoon of peanut or almond butter, a mashed banana, or one tablespoon of cottage cheese topped with a thin slice of smoked salmon. topped with a couple of tablespoons of mashed fresh raspberries or blueberries.
5. A scrambled egg, a whole-wheat roll, fresh-fruit salad and a cup of low-fat milk.
6. A bowl of muesli or oatmeal with chopped banana or dried fruit. Try our recipe for Blueberry Cranberry Crunch

A Unique Take on Cereal
Have a bowl of sweetened brown rice. Brown rice is full of energy-providing B vitamins, as well as being a great source of filling fiber. Cook the rice the night before, then, in the morning, put it in a bowl with a spoonful of honey, a handful of raisins, a cut-up apple and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a unique yet delicious treat. Don’t like rice? Try other cooked grains instead, such as barley, oats, buckwheat, quinoa or millet.

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