Blog Campaign Forces Manipur Police to Probe Murder

Churachandpur, Mar 6 : In Manipur's Churachandpur, the coffin of 15-year-old Lianlemsiam is being dug out, almost two months after his death. It was an unusual blog campaign launched by Churachandpur residents living outside the state which forced the authorities to start investigating into the cause of Siasiam's death.

"Immediately we started investigation and the warden against whom the complaint was made has been arrested," said Jacintha Lazarus, Deputy Commissioner, Churachandpur.

Medical reports indicate that Siasiam was tortured and suffered 'multiple injuries following alleged assault'. His brother John witnessed Siasiam being brutally beaten with an iron rod by the warden of the Angel's Place orphanage where they were staying since their father's death.

"I saw my brother being beaten and injured on his chest," said John.

On December 31, 2009, Siasiam died of "Pulmonary Oedema" but the orphanage hushed up the incident and informed his family that he died of illness. He was quietly buried in a remote town called Singat.

"My son was beaten to death but police still wouldn't register a case," said his mother Mrs Chingkhovun.

Blogs on this incident generated public anger against the orphanage and a massive social media campaign followed within the Zomi community. They now want justice for Siasiam.

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