Tharoor meets Sonia to explain his cattle class remarks

NEW DELHI: Union minister Shashi Tharoor, whose "cattle class" remarks had created a controversy, on Tuesday met Congress president Sonia Gandhi
amid demands for his resignation. ( Watch Video )

Tharoor, who was on an official visit to Liberia and Ghana when the controversy broke out, met Gandhi soon after his return here.

After his 20-minute meeting, Tharoor sped past without taking questions from waiting newspersons.

His comment on his Twitter last week dubbing travel in economy class as "cattle class" had evoked strong rebuke from the AICC.

Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot had even demanded his resignation as minister of state for external affairs.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had downplayed the controversy saying Tharoor's comment was a joke.

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